What are Test Prep Vouchers?

When applying to prospective schools, you want your students to stand out. English language proficiency tests are critical to achieve this goal. They can be one of the most critical first steps in supporting the international student application journey. But maximizing student success and enhancing the student experience doesn’t have to be expensive. You can access significant discounts to set your business apart with ApplyBoard’s English language test prep vouchers and test vouchers.

Decoding English Language Proficiency Test Scores: TOEFL iBT

English language proficiency tests (ELPs) such as TOEFL, PTE, and IELTS are a key part of school and study permit applications for many international students. This article will help decode scores for TOEFL iBT, TOEFL iBT Home Edition online test, and TOEFL iBT Paper Edition as well as provide tips for maximizing student success with TOEFL prep and test vouchers.  

TOEFL iBT or TOEFL iBT Home Edition: Which Is Best for My Students?

The content of the TOEFL iBT Home Edition is exactly the same as the TOEFL iBT taken at test centres. The price and score validity period are also the same as the TOEFL iBT. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when helping your students choose between the TOEFL IBT Home Edition and the regular TOEFL iBT.

TOEFL Exam: 5 Tips to Help Your Students Increase Their Independent Writing Scores

TOEFL is a standardized English language proficiency test. If your students are planning to study abroad, they may be asked to submit English language test scores to their prospective schools. Writing isn’t easy for everyone, so this part of the TOEFL exam can be a real challenge. This article covers 5 key tips that you can recommend to your students to help increase their TOEFL score.

TOEFL: 5 Ways to Help Your Student Practice for the Speaking Section

TOEFL is one of the most popular English language proficiency tests accepted worldwide. The TOEFL iBT exam specifically tests academic English skills. This means that the TOEFL test can help your students stand out to prospective schools. You can help prepare your students for success in the speaking section of the TOEFL exam by helping make the best use of their practice time with the tips in this article.

What Is the TOEFL® Test?

If you are working with a student who plans to study in an English-speaking country, they may need to take an English language proficiency test. The TOEFL iBT exam is widely accepted around the world and remains very popular with students, universities, and colleges because it helps applicants stand out in the academic world. One of the best ways you can help your students prepare and succeed on the TOEFL exam is to become familiar with the actual TOEFL test content and structure.

TOEFL: Reading Time Management Tips

The reading section is the first part of the TOEFL test. For many students, the biggest challenge of this section is time management. Fortunately, you can help maximize student success with the following tips to ensure your students know how to make the most of their limited time.

Understanding the TOEFL Listening Section

To score well on the TOEFL iBT exam, students need to know what to expect on test day. For the listening section of the TOEFL exam, students should know how to interpret and summarize academic conversations. It’s important to help your student understand the types of questions that appear on the test and how they are structured. This will make the TOEFL more predictable and help maximize your student’s success.

Understanding the TOEFL Speaking Section

Many international students find that the speaking section is where they need the most practice. Fortunately, the questions in the TOEFL speaking section are somewhat predictable. If your student understands the contents and design of the questions, they’ll feel much more confident on test day!

Understanding the TOEFL Writing Section

The writing section comes at the very end of the TOEFL exam. Your student will have about fifty minutes to write two essays. That’s a lot of writing, but you can make it easier for your students by training them on the structure and content of this section before they take the test.